Lentil-Stuffed Roasted Delicata Squash with Savoury Pear & Onion Cranberry Sauce {Vegan & Gluten-Free}

Sprouts & Chocolate: Lentil-Stuffed Roasted Delicata Squash with Savoury Pear & Onion Cranberry Sauce. A vegan and gluten-free Thanksgiving meal!

With VeganMoFo being at a close, I decided to take a little break from my kitchen and computer to catch up on things I neglected over the month long cooking fest: the heaps of laundry, my kitchen in a constantly state of chaos just begging to be cleaned, caught up on snuggles with my overly…

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Roasted Acorn Squash with Apple and Pecan Stuffing


Turkey with stuffing is a classic Thanksgiving meal but I am sure the turkeys appreciate us vegans on every holiday. I wanted a beautiful and hearty entrĂ©e for Thanksgiving and not just a plate full of side dishes. Stuffing squash may seem like a lot of work but it is nothing in comparison to making…

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