Whenever someone at work bugs me, since I work in a restaurant this occurs as frequently as breathing, my friend Maeghan and I play the game “You know what grinds my gears?…” I think I saw it on a Family Guy episode though I am not crazy about the show. It is just a silly way to rant about the shenanigans that happen like:
“Why are we waiting on salad?”
“Oh em gee that kid barfed all over the table!”
“Yes, I will have a well done steak…” ordered five minutes before we close.
“That guy just snapped his fingers at me”
“Don’t ask me for my number and stiff me when I say no thank you….”
“That table just called me something really offence while speaking French”
As ridiculous as things seem, they happen on the regular. The last one happened to a friend of mine and she speaks fluent French so unfortunately heard all the nasty things that the table was saying about her.
It helps to say these things out loud to her since usually it is just ridiculous things that get my blood boiling. Sometimes I tell her to hop aboard the Complain Train when I feel like being a whiner. To you all reading this, hop aboard because we are going on a trip!! CHOO CHOO!!
My friend Katie was at Starbucks last week and ordered a fancy latte but with half of the sugary syrup they normally put it. The barista asked her, “Oh are you trying to be healthy?” She handled it better than I would have and simply said that she just didn’t like how sweet the drink was normally served. Katie told me that she was being judged for her size and this person was assuming she is unhealthy. Katie is a champ, does yoga and eats healthful meals all while working and going to school full-time. My gears were grinding so hard that sparks were flying!!
This reminded me of a similar incident I experienced at the grocery store checkout when I first started my site. I was sipping on a mason jar filled with my green smoothie, cause that’s just how I do, and the rather buff man behind me questioned my drink. I told him what was in it thinking maybe he just wanted the recipe but instead he asked me if I had lost weight. I said no since I was just starting out and was just in shock that a stranger would ask me that.
“Some people will try anything,” he muttered to his companion.
I said nothing, paid for my purchases, put on my sunglasses and cried the whole way home. It seems crazy that I let this strangers comment affect me in such a negative way but it did. At that time in my life, I was very self-conscious about my appearance since I did not look like the “typical” vegan.
I remember a few years back that I was probably the unhealthiest person ever; I chained smoked, drank only diet drinks when I wasn’t drinking huge quantities of coffee and took over the counter diet pills everyday. I was skinny but definitely not healthy and no one said anything about it, even when I had a cigarette between my lips and double-fisting a Diet Coke and a Red Bull. This image did not get a rise out of people enough for them to say anything to my face about how unhealthy I was because I was thin but as soon as a curvaceous girl has a green smoothie in hand, everyone seemed to have a damn opinion about it.
I have a high self-esteem when I am alone and this is common occurrence. I think I am beautiful and love my green eyes, bright smile and my great curvy body but this all goes down the drain when people make comments like that. I start to question my self-esteem, maybe I am not as pretty as I think? Maybe I could lose some weight?
I decided that I had to practice confidence for the sake of my self-esteem. People are always going to be rude and unforgiving but I needed to change my reaction. I would not longer beat myself up for not being their ideal, I am my own ideal person and I am enough and guess what?? So are you!!
I used this recipe for the sauce. To go nut-free, substitute the cashews for soaked sunflower seeds.
- 10-12 mini New Potatoes
- ½ head cauliflower
- 1 pound green asparagus
- 1 teaspoon za’atar
- 0.5 teaspoon fine grain sea salt or more to taste
- 1.5 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil, divided
- 5-6 green kale leaves
- 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
- Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and line two large baking sheets with parchment paper.
- Wash, dry and shred the kale into small pieces. Massage the kale with the lemon juice and 2 teaspoons oil and set aside until the kale is softened.
- Slice the potatoes in half and place in a large bowl, toss with 0.5 tablespoon oil, 0.5 teaspoon za’atar and a fat pinch of salt until coated. Transfer potatoes to the lined baking sheet. Chop the cauliflower into medium sized florets and in the now empty bowl, toss the cauliflower as you did the potatoes. Transfer the cauliflower to the same baking sheet.
- Roast for 5 minutes while you prep the asparagus. Snap the woody parts of the ends of the asparagus and toss with 0.5 tablespoons of the oil and salt. Transfer to the baking sheet and roast with the other vegetables already in the oven.
- While the vegetables roast, make the sauce.
- After 10 minutes, flip all the vegetables and continue to roast for another 12-14 minutes, until the potatoes and cauliflower are crisp and golden and the asparagus is olive green and its tips crispy. Serve immediately with the Lemony Hollandaise Sauce.
Wow that looks so delicious!
Thank you so much Olivia! I really like this bowl and it is super versatile. Feel free to modify it to any vegetable you have kicking around